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College Crest

The college crest is a key symbol of Maliyadeva College, featuring a design rich with meaningful symbols. Each student wears a uniform with the badge stitched onto their pocket.

  • The shield shape of the college crest represents the power and courage of the school.
  • On a symmetrically twined maroon ribbon, the name of the college is inscribed.
  • The tusker in the center symbolizes Athugalpura or Kurunegala, the city where the college is located.
  • The three lotus flowers represent the Triple Gem.
  • The seven petals on each flower signify Sath Koralaya, the historical name of the area during the monarchical era.
  • At the top of the shield, the motto "Vidya Bhushanam Purusha Bhushanam," written in Sanskrit, translates to "Knowledge is the Jewel of Man," encapsulating the essence of Maliyadeva College